She goes by many names... Isabelle, Belle, Stinky to name a few. But on the soccer field, she's Izzy! She is much more aggressive on the field than her siblings were at this age and a hoot to watch. In a league of 5 & 6 year-olds, she is one of the shortest ones out there... but don't tell her that! She has no problem getting in there with kids almost 2x as tall. Go Izzy!
One particularly funny story is while she was running down the field with her team mate (who had the ball), the coach yelled, "Izzy, go to the middle!" (meaning he wanted her to go near the goal so her team mate could pass it to her) She instantly made an about-face and ran to the middle of the circle... at MID-FIELD! She did it... she "went to the middle"!
She doesn't get to play goalie all that often - her favorite is fullback - but when she does, the gloves are a must! :)